Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Just People

A summary of this morning’s lesson—don’t be mean. While the front desk operator or the flight manager may be smiling, nodding and apologizing, they may “accidently” give you the smaller room or displace your luggage to the wrong plane. Instead, you should smile or fake cry. Maybe you’ll get a room at the Ritz Carlton or Four Seasons. I’m kidding, don’t do that. Just don’t be mean.
The media often creates a barrier between ethics and business ethics. Today we learned that there isn’t much of a difference. This “business ethic” is dependent on the individual and their ethics. Sometimes, what they believe may differ from the public, and this “business ethic” rises to represent all businesses. You can’t always trust the media.

Lunch followed the lecture and then, our guest speaker arrived. Today’s topic—college admission.
Now introducing Heather Fortenberry!
Heather Fortenberry works for the SHA Admissions and came to speak with our group. She discussed the upcoming deadlines for admissions, the seven different schools at Cornell and answered other admissions related questions. Aside from providing us with information, Heather also gave us some general admissions information and reminded us that those reading our papers are just people who have children and make jokes just like everyone else. I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that until I did.

Afterwards, we jumped into the bin lab to work on our Final Chess reports. To think that it’s time for Finals already…

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