Friday, July 10, 2015

Come and Go

Three weeks. 21 days. 504 hours. 30,240 minutes. 1,814,400 seconds. All gone with the blink of an eye. Who knew that hard work kills time just as fast as having fun does. Who knew being more social and meeting new people would be so easy and worth while. Who knew that conquering fears such as public speaking or being embarrassed would be beneficial. Three weeks ago, that person was not me, but now it is. 

The long hours of studying, group work, and homework is nothing now. The Hotel Management class was by far one of the longest and most rigorous course to take. Now that we look back on it, we can say that we took a 15 week program in a matter of only three. Mark and Reneta were the ones who allowed for this to happen. Without them our class would not be the same. Their style of duo teaching is very beneficial to the class. 

From right to left: Nick, Bonnie,
Huiru, April, and Me
Today was another one of those hard work days. Five straight hours of computer work in order to complete our group report. Right when we thought we were done, Mark would find a mistake and we would go back and fix it. After a couple times of the same routine, Mark finally accepted our work with a smile and a high five. The moment of turning in our last assignment felt amazing. We were done!  22 pages of text, graphs, and excel sheets were complete. No more long hours of lectures and office hours. However, taking this course has prepared me for my Junior year. Now that I know how college classes are like, three AP classes and five regular classes should be nothing to me. 

I decided to hang out with Nick and his group for lunch. We ended up eating at a diner in Downtown College Town. Afterwards, we enjoyed a dessert at College Town Bagels. Since we were all leaving tomorrow, we headed back to the dorms to pack our suitcases. However, our day was not done.

From front to back: April, Jeffery, Bonnie,
 Me, Huiru, and Nick
Since I packed in the morning, I decided to go around and say my see you later to my friends all around campus. I began in Donlon and worked my way over to South Balch. Even though I have only known most of these people for only three weeks, we have grown and bonded together really fast. Spending everyday and almost every moment with the  friends here creates a strong bond. 

The rest of the day was spent with my different group of friends. Spreading out my time in order to spend time with everyone before leaving. Tomorrow is graduation, but many of my classmates left today. 

What will I miss at Cornell? I will miss the morning jogs around the lake. I will miss the breakfast, lunch, and dinner at RPCC. I will miss seeing my friends everyday. I will miss late night talks with my roommate. I will miss frisbee and volleyball in the courtyard with my cohort. I will miss the unexpected rain and sudden sunshine. I will miss late night blogging after a 20 page report. I will miss Cornell. 

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