Monday, June 22, 2015

The Day We've Been Anticipating!

Today was the first day of class! It was for the most part a very exciting day. In the morning I work up very early. Yes, today I broke the two day streak of sleeping past 7:30 AM. Today I woke up at 6:45 AM, even though it took me five alarms in increments of five to ten minutes from 6:30 AM to 7:00 AM to wake me up. When I woke up, I felt energized and I thought to myself maybe its because I was waiting for this day for the longest time. I got ready and check my backpack once more to make sure all my material was with me. 

I went outside to see my friends there waiting. Since the building our class is located in is 15 minutes away we gathered up a group to meet in the morning that would get breakfast together and walk together to class. From that group, I met another rising scholar named Irene. She came from Taiwan and was interested in the Hotel Management Program because she was interested in the hospitality aspect of business. I instantly connected with her because not only were we enrolled in the same course but we were also very nervous for the first day. I learned that Irene's mother actually had a restaurant in China where she was able to get experience working. 

As we slowly trailed up to the building, we saw an abundance of students waiting outside the lecture room for the class. It was shortly after when we went in. As I walked into the lecture room, students were already seated. It was extremely difficult to search for my name in the lecture room with almost eighty kid. They were like bees in a beehive swarming out. After some maneuvering around the crowded classroom I found my seat.

To start of the day, Mark McCarthy and Reneta McCarthy, introduced themselves and told us who they were and the experience they have in the Hotel Management field. After the brief introduction, they spoke to us about the expectations of the class. Like the orientation, they stated what would be happening most of the time in the three week duration of the course. In the first ten minutes, I got such a great vibe from the class. The professors were sophisticated as well as fun! I was excited for my class. 

The next activity was to split the class in half. Since the class was extremely large, we were split up into two. Therefore one half would get be doing something in the lecture room and the other half would be in the lab room working on the the class assignment. I was part of group B so I was moved to the lab room from the lecture room. At the lab room with has an assignment to take a survey and write a memo to the professors about ourselves. I like how the course handout had very explicit directions that made it very easy to follow the assignment. After finishing the assignment we switched rooms.

Now this was one of my favorite parts of the class. We had an activity to go in front of the classroom and make introduce the partner Mr.McCarthy assigned us. My partner was Jiaing Zheng aka Grace. She was very generous and smart. She was from China and she told me her experience in China and her interests in the Hotel Management course. The activity asked us if there was anyways to remember the partners name. Of course I said "Grace with the BEAUTIFUL face!" Everyone chuckled and we went on to the introduction. I told the class her interested in and outside of the course. It was a great way to meet and get familiar with others.

Later we had lunch at the Trillian. This was a commons hall near our class building which was 10 minutes away. The Trillian was a nice experience. It was different from the designated commons for the summer college because it was full of actual college students living their daily life. After lunch we went back to the lecture hall,

The next part of the class was interesting. We had a lecture about the different types of hotels. It was interesting because there was different categories that hotels can be placed. Here are just a few classifications for hotels: luxury, up upscale, or economy. We also we learned, the difference between franchise, managing, and ownership. This made me realized how complicated the hotel industry can be. Although I was confused sometimes during the discussion, it was very interesting to understand as much as I could.

Near the end of the class Mr.McCarthy put us into groups for the presentation we would be making on Monday. I have confidence in my group and I'm excited to work with them. We all got our contact information and instantly made ideas for the presentation. 

Today was a great day. It was definitely full activities and learning! I can't wait to see what I will learn tomorrow.

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